Sunday, May 11, 2008

Shock and awe

Jenna Bush, daughter of US President George W. Bush, got married over the weekend in a ceremony held right there on the family ranch in Crawford, Texas. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS). Yeah, congratulations to Jenna and her new husband, Henry Hager.

It has to be tough being the President's son-in-law, but so far they seem to be getting along just fine. In fact, after the ceremony Dubya told Henry to make himself at home and have a real good poke around the Bush spread. (AUDIENCE GASPS... HOST FEIGNS INNOCENCE)

Did you hear about the honeymoon? I guess President Bush meant well but to me this was kind of creepy... he arranged for the happy couple to spend their wedding night on a US Navy aircraft carrier, and then he showed up for a press conference the next morning. Go ahead, let's roll that footage...

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